More information on Food, Retail & Services
Standard hours for food trucks in:
Creative Quarter: 11am - 3pm
The Hexagon: 11am - 3pm
Building 500: 8 - 11am
Find out more about Curtin’s food, retail and other services around campus.
Properties, Facilities & Development
Today Tue, March 4
Porta Pizza Creative Quarter
Ninja Cuisine Creative Quarter
Honey Creme Creative Quarter
Lady Bee Ice Cream The Hexagon
Wed, Mar 5
Thu, Mar 6
Tue 4th
Wed 5th
Thu 6th
The purpose of this upgrade, completed in March 2021, was to ensure the CBS Trading Room remains an innovative learning and teaching, research, and industry engagement space that continues to provide access to the latest financial market software within a flexible immersive environment. This up-to-date learning environment will enhance the student experience and facilitate appropriate student collaboration and study needs.
The CBS Trading Room’s increased capacity enables delivery for specialist facilities within the space and accommodates the increased demand expected from a new data analytics first-year unit being delivered with up to 1000 Faculty of Business and Law students from semester 1, 2021. With new units and initiatives such as this requiring one-to-one terminal access, the updated and replaced IT equipment will improve teaching operations and provide a true finance lab experience for students.