More information on Food, Retail & Services
Standard hours for food trucks in:
Creative Quarter: 11am - 3pm
The Hexagon: 11am - 3pm
Building 500: 8 - 11am
Find out more about Curtin’s food, retail and other services around campus.
Properties, Facilities & Development
Properties, Facilities & Development (PF&D) plays an important role in ensuring Curtin’s physical presence enables ongoing transformation and supports the University’s vision to be a recognised global leader in research, education and engagement.
Creating a vibrant urban hub of economic vitality, world-class knowledge, sustainable living, creative spirit and cultural diversity - to build the City of Innovation at Perth Campus.
From planning and execution to the Curtin Living Campus, our buildings are alive with well-considered sustainability at the very core.
Vertical Axis Wind Turbines
WA Electricity Sources
Thermal Storage Tanks
Solar Generation